NLCPA Members and other Partners,
Welcome to the 2013-2014 academic year!
We are busy planning our Fall Conference and AGM. This year our theme is “Finding
Simplicity and Balance During Complex Times…” Our platters are often full and the times can
be quite complex. As Covey would say:
“What are the big rocks in your life? How do you find balance?”
Our conference line-up includes: (Click on a name to read session details)
Developmental Sexology: Balancing Issues in Practice – Nena Sandoval
Compassion Fatigue in the Workplace – Tracy Duffy & Charmaine Davidge
EAP in the Workplace – Judy Beranger
Work/Life Balance: My Wake Up Call – Florence Strang
Relationships First, Restorative Justice in Schools – Dr. Dorothy Vaandering
DSM-5 – What’s New…What’s Different – Dr. Jim Cullen
Mindfulness Counselling Strategies – Dr. Jim Cullen
As part of our ongoing initiative to professionalize our roles and promote the Association, we
ask that you visit us on Facebook and “like” our page. All conference participants who like our
page will be eligible for prizes. If you post something to our page or make a comment, you
will increase your chances of winning. This year we will be giving away several Apple TVs. If
you register before the early bird deadline (October 7th), you will also be eligible to win an
Apple TV. We also ask that you encourage student members to apply for the Ron Martin
Memorial / NLCPA Scholarship. Information about the scholarship is provided later in this
On behalf of the Executive, thank you for continued support.
We wish you a very successful year and look forward to seeing you at the conference