Newfoundland and Labrador Counsellors’ and Psychologists’ Association
1:01 The official name of this organization shall be the Newfoundland and Labrador Counsellors’ and Psychologists’ Association (NLCPA).
2:01 NLCPA is a special interest council of the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association (NLTA) and will maintain a close affiliation with the NLTA.
NLCPA is free to affiliate with other associations of professional counsellors and psychologists as deemed desirable with the consent of the general membership.
3:01 COUNSELLOR as defined by the Department of Education.
3:02 PSYCHOLOGIST as defined by the Department of Education.
3:03 DISTRICT will refer to school district as defined by the Department of Education.
4:01 To work in accordance with the aims, objectives and the terms of affiliation as a special interest council with the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association (and as an affiliate of the Canadian Counselling Association – conditional).
4:02 To further the professional growth of counsellors and psychologists.
4:03 To act as a voice for counsellors and psychologists in Newfoundland and Labrador in matters relating to training, certification, promotion of high standards of professional competency and improvement of counselling and psychological services for all stakeholders within the Newfoundland and Labrador public K-12 school system.
4:04 To support active and on-going liaison with business, industry, educational institutions, agencies and government departments.
4:05 To foster a close relationship amongst all student support agencies.
4:06 To promote a better understanding of the philosophy, objectives and services related to counselling and psychology.
4:07 To foster the development of these services in educational institutions in Newfoundland and Labrador.
4:08 To promote and encourage research in counselling and psychology.
4:09 To develop, reassess and make recommendations regarding standards of practice in counselling and psychology.
4:10 To promote and encourage professional development for counsellors and psychologists in Newfoundland and Labrador.
4:11 To make recommendations to the Newfoundland & Labrador Teachers’ Association Professional Development Committee and/or Provincial Executive of the Association.
5:01 Types of membership: The Association shall include three types of memberships – full, associate and student.
REQUIREMENTS OF MEMBERSHIP: The following requirements must be met to qualify for the respective types of membership:
(A.) Full Membership – Must have membership in the NLTA and at least one of the following:
(i.) a Master’s or equivalent degree in Professional Counselling or Psychology from a recognized university,
(ii.) possession of Certified Canadian Counsellor status with CCA,
(iii.) registration with the Newfoundland Board of Examiners in Psychology.
(B.) Associate Membership – An associate member is one who is interested in the field of counselling and psychology, supports the objectives of the Association, and is granted affiliation without meeting the requirements of full membership in the Association. An associate member shall have all privileges and responsibilities of a regular member with the exception of the right to hold office and the voting privileges at the AGM.
(C) Student Membership – Student membership shall be for any person registered in a full-time program of studies leading to a degree in counselling and / or psychology.
(D) Honorary Membership – Honorary membership may be bestowed on persons for whom the Association desires such recognition.
6:01 The officers of the Association shall include a President, Vice-President, Past-President, President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Provincial Membership Coordinator, and Communications Officer.
6:02 If no member of the executive is a registered psychologist, then a psychology representative shall be appointed by the executive.
6:03 If no member of the executive is a counsellor, then a counsellor representative shall be appointed by the executive
7:01 President
1. Be responsible for the effective functioning of the Provincial Executive Committee, Standing and Ad Hoc Committees.
2. Call and chair all executive meetings and arrange for agendas for each meeting.
3. Preside over the Annual General Meeting and submit the Annual Report at that time.
4. Maintain liaison with the NLTA and other NLTA Special Interest Councils.
5. Act as official representative of the Association to outside committees requiring representation.
6. Attend all Special Interest Council Presidents’ meetings.
7. Encourage active regional branches and projects.
8. Provide the Communications Officer with a “message from the President” for publication in the Newsletter.
9. Be one of the signing officers of the Association.
10. Carry out other duties as may be designed at the Annual General Meeting.
11. Maintain liaison with Canadian Counselling Association and the Association of Newfoundland Psychologists, as well as the Newfoundland Board of Examiners in Psychology.
12. The term of office shall be for two years.
7:02 Vice President
1. Assume such duties and responsibilities as may be delegated by the president.
2. Attend all executive meetings.
3. Work with the President in encouraging active regional branches and projects.
4. Assist other executive member with duties.
5. Be responsible for liaison with Branch Presidents.
6. The term of office shall be for two years.
7:03 Past-President
1. As required, the Past-President shall:
• Provide advice and information to the executive members.
• Attend meetings of the executive.
• Assist in setting up necessary committees.
• Assist in liaison with the NLTA, Department of Education, and other institutions and agencies.
15712. The term of office shall be for one year, commencing immediately after the new executive is formed.
7:04 President Elect
16992. As required the President-Elect shall:
• Provide advice information to the executive members.
• Attend meetings of the executive.
• Assist in setting up necessary committees.
• Assist and liaison with the NLTA, Department of Education and other institutions and agencies.
18112. The term of the office shall be for one year, commencing immediately after the AGM in which the President-Elect is voted in.
7:05 Secretary
1. Keep accurate minutes of each executive meeting and AGM.
16672. Send a copy of the minutes to each member of the executive.
3. Bring before the executive all official correspondence.
4. Dispose of the correspondence of the executive as directed.
19152. Send a copy of all correspondence to the president.
19153. Work closely with the President in the planning of various meetings.
19154. Carry out other duties as may be designated by the executive.
19155. Maintain a record of all executive meetings and Annual General Meetings (AGM) to be forwarded to the incoming executive.
19156. Term of office shall be two years.
7:06 Treasurer
19712. Keep an accurate record of the financial affairs of the Association.
19713. Attend all executive meetings.
19714. Make the necessary disbursement of funds of the Association as authorized by the provincial executive.
19715. Prepare and present to the provincial executive an annual budget in consultation with the President.
19716. Prepare and present an annual financial report at the Annual General Meeting.
19717. Term of office shall be two years.
7:07 Provincial Membership Coordinator
20432. Prepare and send notices calling all regular or executive membership.
20433. Maintain Association WEB page or assign someone to do so.
20434. Maintain a current data base of all members.
20435. Liaison with the NLTA to coordinate annual membership fee deductions at source.
20436. Be accessible to receive new members not specified in clause 4.
20437. Liaison with the Communications Officer in production and disbursement of the Association’s newsletter.
20438. Term of office shall be two years.
7:08 Communications Officer
20992. Maintain ongoing communications with all District Presidents.
20993. Coordinate newsletter article submissions.
20994. Submit articles to the media promoting the Association.
20995. Coordinate receipt and disbursement of information as deemed necessary.
20996. Liaison with Provincial Membership Coordinator in the production and disbursement of the Association’s newsletter.
20997. Term of office shall be two years.
8:01 Candidates shall be formally nominated at the AGM. Only Full Members of the Association shall be eligible for Executive positions.
8:02 The office of President-Elect shall be filled one year prior to the expiration of the term of office for the current President. The election of the position for President -Elect shall be conducted by the Past-President, or in the absence of the Past-President, a person designated by the current executive.
8:03 Candidates for executive positions other than President, will be nominated in the year the President-Elect takes office. This election will be conducted by the out-going President.
9:01 Members of the Association who are Certified Counsellors accept the Code of Ethics adapted by the Canadian Counselling Association.
9:02 Members of the Association who are Registered Psychologists accept the Code of Ethics of the Canadian Psychological Association.
9:03 Members outlined in 9:01 and 9:02 plus all other members not formally defined by these clauses, shall abide by the Act, By-Laws and Code of Ethics as established by the NLTA.
9:04 If necessary an “Ethical Standards Committee” will be appointed by the Executive, composed of one executive member and two other Association members.
9:05 Duties of the Ethical Standards Committee:
21152. To report on its deliberation to the Executive.
21153. To consider any questions about ethical standards which have come to the attention of the Association.
21154. To consider any reported breaches of the ethical standards and to suggest possible action(s) to be taken to the Executive.
10:01 The Provincial Executive will appoint committees as may be deemed necessary. All committees shall submit a written report to the Annual General Meeting.
11:01 Any representation which the Provincial Association wishes to make to any organization, government department, or other agency shall be conducted with the approval of the Provincial Executive (during an Executive meeting).
12:01 The Association shall present to the Annual General Meeting a written report of its programs, activities and finances for the preceding fiscal year.
13:01 The fiscal year of NLCPA shall commence September 01 and end August 31 to correspond with the NLTA’s fiscal year.
14:01 Notice of motion to attend this Constitution must be presented to the membership not less than one month before such amendments are to be voted upon at the Annual General Meeting. A 50% plus one majority of the membership present at the Annual General Meeting is required before the proposed amendments can be approved.
14:02 Quorum at the AGM is defined by the NLTA By Laws as being all those present at the AGM.